Saturday, August 02, 2014

David Codrea: Doctors and Guns

David Codrea does an excellent job of exposing the politial agenda of the doctors who insist on asking children if their parents have guns, and on being able to place that information in databases available to the government.

"We are concerned about a chilling effect on the speech of our physicians, and that their First Amendment rights are being trampled," Dr. Mobeen Rathore, High Priest ... no, make that President of the Florida chapter of the AAP complained. "Who is in a better position to determine what is relevant to a patient's care? The government or the physician? This puts the government in the exam room."

 In case you haven't noticed, doc, they're already there. And when asked on what Constitutional grounds, just like we ask where they get authority to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, your fellow gun-grabber and Speaker at the time responded with a contemptuous "Are you serious?"

More here

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