Wednesday, December 03, 2014

David Codrea: Police Threatening Ferguson Oath Keepers

Ferguson police shut down armed 'Oath Keeper' vigilantes guarding rooftops of besieged town,” Mail Online reported Monday. “Oath Keepers, a vigilante organization consisting of former and current military, police and firefighters, abandoned their posts on Saturday night after being threatened with arrest. Equipped with militia-style clothing and firearms, the Oath Keepers had been offering free security for businesses at risk of looting and arson in Ferguson.”

It’s a typical bit of “progressive” misdirection, conflating defense with vigilantism. And how dare private individuals protect life, liberty and property without a license (but evidently with the consent of the property owners)!

Particularly how dare Oath Keepers, suspicious characters according to both the Southern Poverty Law Center and the fusion centers that depend on SPLC for their training propaga... uh... materials, do something as heinous as “help stop Ferguson from burning.” Who do they think they are? Aside from professionally-trained Americans who have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution exercising their rights in defense of self, community and country?

No wonder Oath Keeper founder Stewart Rhodes reported “what looked like a fed three-man sniper team moving into a nearby house on higher ground, and then pointing their rifles at our team of American combat veterans, while our team was guarding the buildings against looters.”

More Here at Gun Rights Examiner

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