Sunday, February 08, 2015

David Codrea: Gun-Grabbers Keep Pushing Deception Masked as Settled Truth

Once more presenting an anti-gun talking point-sharing piece as “news,” the “professionals” Dianne Feinstein calls “real reporters” and Joe Biden calls “legitimate news media” (whom I refer to as “Authorized Journalists” and “Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists”) are ramping up the meme that high “gun control” states are the safest places to live. A recent hit piece by SFGate gets into the big deception right out of the starting gate with the headline “States with high gun ownership have more firearm deaths.”

Such advocacy journalism based on agenda “science” is not surprising, and I say this from personal experience. Case in point was a Slate piece in which a Harvard “ethicist,” in true “progressive”/Opposite Day fashion, posted an interview with an anti-gun “researcher” that flat-out lied about me putting out a “Wanted” poster on him, and tied that in with claimed, but unsubstantiated, threats on his life. And being part of the “medical” establishment, the lie was compounded to put agenda over truth in the prominent journal, “Nature.”

It’s this nexus between supposed “scientific” literature and the agenda-promoting “free press” from which such memes are born and seeded, so that ignorant former liberal arts majors who now consider themselves to be crusading journalists, can be manipulated into spreading ideological manure.

More at JPFO Here

1 comment:

Wireless.Phil said...

Got a photo of her from the Jan 2014 AR blog, had about 20 semi-auto rifles around her on the floor, all the mags and ammo, just writing down serial numbers, no back story.

BIG TENT, OPEN MINDS: The gun culture welcomes *all* good people
January 6, 2015

Meet Kassi Karry.  She’s a model, yoga instructor and Cross Fit enthusiast from North Carolina. (H/t to Miguel at GFZ)